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Education Above Politics

"I am not bound by traditional thinking and I am willing to explore innovative solutions to improve education"


Education Above Politics

In today's political climate, it's all too easy for partisanship to overshadow the critical issues that affect our communities, particularly in education. However, LAUSD District 3 stands as a beacon of hope, demonstrating that there are issues that transcend party lines and unite us in a shared commitment to the betterment of our children's education.


The LAUSD District 3 position is fundamentally a bipartisan role, driven by a singular purpose: to benefit all kids and promote quality education, irrespective of political affiliations. In this district, the well-being of our students and the success of our schools take precedence over any party relationships or ideologies.


When it comes to education, the stakes are too high for partisan squabbles. Every child deserves access to a world-class education, and their future should never be contingent on political gamesmanship. LAUSD District 3 recognizes that, and its candidates and representatives prioritize the interests of our students over political divisions.

A Common Goal: Quality Education


In the pursuit of quality education, we find common ground. Bipartisan collaboration in LAUSD District 3 is centered on key principles that benefit all students:


Equity and Inclusivity: Ensuring that every child, regardless of their background, has an equal opportunity to succeed in our education system.

Resources and Support for Teachers: Recognizing that educators are the backbone of our schools and must be provided with the tools and support they need to excel.

Safe and Inclusive Schools: Creating a learning environment where students feel safe, respected, and valued, fostering a positive atmosphere for growth and learning.

Community Engagement: Building strong partnerships between schools, parents, and the broader community to address the unique needs of our district.


LAUSD District 3 is committed to looking beyond party labels and divisive rhetoric. Instead, it focuses on forging a path toward a brighter future for our students. By prioritizing education and the well-being of our children, we are reminded that there is common ground upon which we can all stand.


In an era of increasing polarization, LAUSD District 3 serves as an inspiring example of how bipartisanship can be a force for good in the lives of our young learners. Together, we can continue to champion the cause of education and ensure that every child in our district has the opportunity to thrive, regardless of political affiliation. In unity, we can truly achieve excellence for all.

Our Mission

Equity and Inclusion for All

At Andreas Farmakalidis' campaign, we believe that equity and inclusion are fundamental to creating a district that supports its students and teachers. We are committed to creating policies that reflect the needs of our diverse community and to ensuring that every student has access to quality education. Our approach is to listen to the needs of our community, to build coalitions with stakeholders, and to create policies that reflect our shared values. Together, we can create a district that empowers its students and teachers and prepares them for success in the 21st century.

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